Wednesday, October 28, 2015
How Far Has Canada Progressed Socially: Race Equality in Canada.
Canadians all across this great land of ours take pride in the fact that Canada is indeed a multi-cultural country with superb race relations. It ranks the highest in meeting the basic needs of its citizens. that is according to The Social Progress Index, which rates a Country's delivery on Social Progress. I will go through some key topics, that address some of the most basic needs of a human beings, I do however wonder why Aboriginal Canadians live in third world conditions, in a first world country? In addition I would ask the question, as a society how can we improve Race Relations in Canada? More specifically between Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and Canadians, I say a great place to start is through education and understanding.
Canada got a over all rating of 94.89% which placed 7th World Wide in:
The Social Progress Imperative.
*Note Links are for additional reference, relating to the topic, by established news outlets.
Water and Sanitization: Canada got a 99.23.
This is what I believe the most basic and fundamental need of any individual no mater race or ethnic background. To further that no mater if you are a Aboriginal, or an Immigrant to Canada, any immigrant whether you have been here for four days or over four hundreds years, it remains a basic need to people to have clean water. One problem, a chronic one, I might add is the cleanliness of water on Canada's Reserve system. Is it up to par, and where these studies inclusive of Canada's Reserve system? I think not. Now onto Sanitization I believe that it is connected to water for a reason, and how are Aboriginal Canadians expected to sanitize when the water to begin with is tarnished? It makes sanitization difficult when Boil Water Advisory's are a constant. I am From Beautiful British Columbia, the place in Canada that has the greatest access to clean water of all the provinces. Does this reflect when I visit a reserve in BC? It does not reflect that at all, Water is often dirty and there are cases where the poor quality water has affected one's physical health and well being. You cannot be expected to clean anything including yourself, your belonging's, your home when your water is not sanitary. We can address this by pushing for governments, the Federal Government, because they set the standards and regulations that provide these basic necessities on a Canadian Reserve.
Nutrition and Medical Care: Canada got a 99.05%
I believe one difficulty in both nutrition and medical care in Canada's Reserve system, it its design to separate the Aboriginals from the rest of society. This was accomplished by putting the Aboriginals onto a Reserve, a remote Reserve I might add. This makes access to nutrition and medical care quite difficult. Initially placed on the Reserve for our own benefit, to have access to the medicinal plants, foods and resources that we depended upon. This did not account for the national shift and dependance on westernized foods and medicine. Slowly but surly the aboriginal rights have diminished whether by legislation or by colonized choice. You separate an Aboriginal from his/her natural teachings and connection to land all that we have left is taught to us by society in general. Lastly on this topic I believe that health care is also viewed differently if your Aboriginal or Non-aboriginal, Aboriginals have some coverage on health care which usually results in a prescription of an older and lesser used form of medication. The levels of care are not on par with what is readily available to Canadians, And I for one hope to see this change.
Personal Safety: Canada got a 91.66%
When I think of personal safety I think of safety equality, and does Canada Have that? I say Not by a long shot, When you have a specific race and or gender of peoples where it is acceptable to target, that is not safe in any means. I am referring to the Missing Murdered Indigenous Women Of Canada, sadly one can simply search any number of web searches to see some very sad results i.e.; Robert Pickton serial Killer; MMIW will also turn up some horrific results as well. I cannot fathom the basis for this other that the fact that Aboriginals are not considered human, somehow aboriginals have a lesser value and it is acceptable to treat Aboriginal Canadians in any form. Even in the highest of Political offices in our country, our very own PM said an Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, "Is not high on their Radar" ~ Steven Harper. Fortunately for our country this guy was voted out, but does that reflect a Canadian Political view on the matter? Time will only tell. This is my sole argument on the personal safety, Until there is an Inquiry, I will fear that there is no safety for Aboriginal Women anywhere in Canada.
Shelter: Canada got an 89.61%
Shelter at one point was Canada's Highest stat, and no other country could compare to the housing In Canada. That time however was a long, long time ago, now if you look at the state of housing and in particular the housing conditions on a Canadian Indian Reserve the results are disturbing. IN a modern town or City, you have homes built to code, with sidewalks, Insurance, access to clean water and other services. On a reserve you have none of that not even a side walk, a street light or road signs. Imagine walking around, as many aboriginals do, would you feel comfortable walking around a place where the only road accessory on side is a year speed bump. Would you feel comfortable in a house that is not built to code, not by choice, rather by misfortune. For contractors that do this building on reserve housing are very much aware of the lack of code. So the primary interest on the part of the contractor is to get the most bang for the least buck. No code means no housing inspector to watch over his every move. Usually results in homes of a much lesser quality, homes a Canadian would think its absurd to try and sell in a real home owners market. It would have to be torn down and re-build, but on a reserve what you get is what you get.
Bloggers Final Words On The Matter:
In closing I want to be grateful for the Social Progress Imperative, Even though it seems as though I am attempting to discredit their Study, I am not. I simply wishing to look at Aboriginal Canadians in the exact same light as Canadians. I also ask as that you excuse my inconsistency in terminology when referring to Aboriginal Canadians, I say Aboriginal, also Indigenous, and even Indian. Not because I Identify as an Indian It is still very much a part of Canada's belief system. Aboriginal day is just that Aboriginal day but in the Registry of Status Indians, the same group of peoples, I might add i am considered an Indian. In writing this I say that all I really want is for Aboriginal Canadians be held in the same regard as Canadians. We are all people in a Settled colony which basically means that you are equally stuck with me as I am with you. So let us improve relations for the benefit of all Canadians, and all peoples that call Canada their home or visit our great country. All My Relations Wish~Key
Friday, September 11, 2015
Ancient Spirit ~ Modern Mind: To Vote or Not To Vote!
To Vote or Not To Vote?
Let's look from at the posed question from the lens of an Aboriginal Canadian, Ancient Spirit Modern Mind is the "new adage" of the people of Huu-ay-aht where I come from. I believe that its quite accurate. One difficulty I have always had residing in a country that is basically a Settled Colony, is figuring out when I am Aboriginal and when I am Canadian. I find that many customs, Including voting, are as foreign as the settlers that brought them. I believe in what was taught to me by my very own knowledge keepers, the elderly advisors that that are simply called our grandparents. It was they whom taught our principles in life, our values that served us through ought the entirety of our lives. Values such as Respect for living things, Everything is one and connected, Taking care of the people and the Environment in which we reside in. It is our job to Care take for the future people of the world for the next Seven Generations.
Let's look from at the posed question from the lens of an Aboriginal Canadian, Ancient Spirit Modern Mind is the "new adage" of the people of Huu-ay-aht where I come from. I believe that its quite accurate. One difficulty I have always had residing in a country that is basically a Settled Colony, is figuring out when I am Aboriginal and when I am Canadian. I find that many customs, Including voting, are as foreign as the settlers that brought them. I believe in what was taught to me by my very own knowledge keepers, the elderly advisors that that are simply called our grandparents. It was they whom taught our principles in life, our values that served us through ought the entirety of our lives. Values such as Respect for living things, Everything is one and connected, Taking care of the people and the Environment in which we reside in. It is our job to Care take for the future people of the world for the next Seven Generations.
Settled Colony:
A settled colony basically defined as the settled and the settlers are equally bound to one another. In short we are as stuck with them, as they are with us! In Aboriginal culture we the people are but a part of the world that we reside in. We understand that all life is connected and we are watched over by our nations royalty, I believe in Aboriginal ideals. We are cared for by our families. We tackle and solve our social issues communally. As a Canadian the lines are much more linear as opposed to being one and connected. As a Canadian my individual rights empower me, yet contrast with ancestral beliefs. As a Canadian my people were the last minority to get a right to vote on Canadian politics, that fact alone states how much Canada respects its Aboriginal Peoples. Imagine that new foreigners to our great land were able to vote before aboriginal Canadians! That is going to always be one hurdle for Aboriginal Canadians to overcome if and when they vote!
The First Vote:
In the late nineteen eighties as I approached upon voting age, I recall meeting an Democrat, whom at the time I thought he was a celebrity, and his name is Bob Skelly. Although he was nearing the end of a long and storied career as a BC MLA he served public office from 1972-1987, Longest running MLA in Alberni-Comox riding. I remembered this because he asked my age, he then stated that I was as old as he was in office. He asked me at the time what my political interests were. That moment opened the idea of voting, He was a teacher first, and knew full well how to engage in a conversation with a teenager. He said that voting was a right of individuals and each of us have rights to vote, and have somewhat of a say in the direction of our country. The one thing he did say that resonated; In the voting both, you are completely alone in what you decide. Others may try to influence your vote but when it comes down to it. The choice is yours and yours alone. That to me seems like an traditional value!
The Power Of One:
In Aboriginal culture of beliefs the: "Power of One" is self control, and reminds us to make decisions cautiously and decisions are made from within. In life it is from with in our realm of teachings. values, and best interests that we have for our selves. In Voting this could be viewed in much the same manner, discard the belief, that our leaders have to either be Conservative or Liberal. I am now more than ever, am pro choice, when I think about that meeting I had with Mr. Skelly many, many years later. I recall the principle of voting and how that seems to align with traditional principles and values. So I do encourage voting amongst my peoples, simply because I understand that we are indeed in a settled colony, I cannot change that fact. As I understand things as they are. We will always be in a settled colony, so I participate now with the purpose of electing the best person for the Job. I surly hope to Elect more Aboriginal Canadians!
In the late nineteen eighties as I approached upon voting age, I recall meeting an Democrat, whom at the time I thought he was a celebrity, and his name is Bob Skelly. Although he was nearing the end of a long and storied career as a BC MLA he served public office from 1972-1987, Longest running MLA in Alberni-Comox riding. I remembered this because he asked my age, he then stated that I was as old as he was in office. He asked me at the time what my political interests were. That moment opened the idea of voting, He was a teacher first, and knew full well how to engage in a conversation with a teenager. He said that voting was a right of individuals and each of us have rights to vote, and have somewhat of a say in the direction of our country. The one thing he did say that resonated; In the voting both, you are completely alone in what you decide. Others may try to influence your vote but when it comes down to it. The choice is yours and yours alone. That to me seems like an traditional value!
The Power Of One:
In Aboriginal culture of beliefs the: "Power of One" is self control, and reminds us to make decisions cautiously and decisions are made from within. In life it is from with in our realm of teachings. values, and best interests that we have for our selves. In Voting this could be viewed in much the same manner, discard the belief, that our leaders have to either be Conservative or Liberal. I am now more than ever, am pro choice, when I think about that meeting I had with Mr. Skelly many, many years later. I recall the principle of voting and how that seems to align with traditional principles and values. So I do encourage voting amongst my peoples, simply because I understand that we are indeed in a settled colony, I cannot change that fact. As I understand things as they are. We will always be in a settled colony, so I participate now with the purpose of electing the best person for the Job. I surly hope to Elect more Aboriginal Canadians!
Present Challenges:
The most disturbing fact is the disconnect, to land, and natural resources that make our country grand. Canada used to be a leader among nations in environmental decisions. We have fallen far from grace, and can no longer ride those coat tails of a time long ago! We have heard from Aboriginal candidates, Doctorates, Elected Leadership, Everyday Citizens, and even Mrs. Universe 2015 stating if we should or should not vote (Video included in footer). There are many arguments for both yay and nay; Treaties are with the Crown (The British) and not Canada; Some argue that it is against our traditional beliefs as many communities have traditional leadership as well as elected; Another argument is Demographic, Aboriginals are the fastest growing demographic in Canada. Their are many reasons "To Vote or Not To Vote". What ever you decide, I say this, we are indeed in a Settled Colony our country is in a state of growth and change. Lets be the change, lets understand the differences that we each face! We are of Ancient Spirit and a Modern Mind.
The most disturbing fact is the disconnect, to land, and natural resources that make our country grand. Canada used to be a leader among nations in environmental decisions. We have fallen far from grace, and can no longer ride those coat tails of a time long ago! We have heard from Aboriginal candidates, Doctorates, Elected Leadership, Everyday Citizens, and even Mrs. Universe 2015 stating if we should or should not vote (Video included in footer). There are many arguments for both yay and nay; Treaties are with the Crown (The British) and not Canada; Some argue that it is against our traditional beliefs as many communities have traditional leadership as well as elected; Another argument is Demographic, Aboriginals are the fastest growing demographic in Canada. Their are many reasons "To Vote or Not To Vote". What ever you decide, I say this, we are indeed in a Settled Colony our country is in a state of growth and change. Lets be the change, lets understand the differences that we each face! We are of Ancient Spirit and a Modern Mind.
Voting Forescast:
How do we best address our historic past, with modern nuances? How important is voting? Just like all decisions in life, we each make our own choice! I may have changed parties over the years and that uncertainty is what drives me the most. We aboriginals are all part of this country wether we like to admit it or not. We cannot change our past, our relationship with Canada has always been difficult to understand. Our country has reluctantly given us rights in our recent history. That history shows rights of equality, rights of gender, and rights of aboriginals was mentioned lastly. People imigrating to our country had voting rights before the Aboriginal Canadians. That is a sad fact, what do I think will change this great country of ours? When the whole country accepts that we are indeed a settled Colony, we are bound to one another. Let us get involved by getting more aboriginals, more gender equality, more minorities into office.
How do we best address our historic past, with modern nuances? How important is voting? Just like all decisions in life, we each make our own choice! I may have changed parties over the years and that uncertainty is what drives me the most. We aboriginals are all part of this country wether we like to admit it or not. We cannot change our past, our relationship with Canada has always been difficult to understand. Our country has reluctantly given us rights in our recent history. That history shows rights of equality, rights of gender, and rights of aboriginals was mentioned lastly. People imigrating to our country had voting rights before the Aboriginal Canadians. That is a sad fact, what do I think will change this great country of ours? When the whole country accepts that we are indeed a settled Colony, we are bound to one another. Let us get involved by getting more aboriginals, more gender equality, more minorities into office.
In conclusion: To Vote or Not To Vote?, is as it always should be. An individual choice. I plea to you now consider taking time out of your day to Vote! Get involved "Be the Change" We are growing at an exponential rate, both as aboriginal communities and as Canadians. Change does not happen over night, it takes time and commitment. Lets get together all nationalities, and work together to better the world for future generations!!
Mrs. Universe 2015: Speaks out on Elections 2015..
Friday, July 17, 2015
Water, The cycle of Life!
Transpiration Water is everywhere! |
Water, The cycle of Life: Hello there! I am Wish~Key, and I come from The House by the River, The Wolf Clan, and The People of the Mountains Facing the Ocean, I am Aboriginal Canadian!! It is safe to say that water means a great deal to me. I depend on water for life, for drinking, for cooking, for cleaning, for washing, and for all it's wondrous uses. Not only that, but water also is a reflection of spiritual health and growth. In time of growth it is I being consumed by the water and not me consuming it. Which is a fancy way of saying "bathe spiritually" and I also abstain from drinking water at this time for I immerse myself into the spirit of growth, and my only wish is nourishing my spirit. The river house people see that water is connected to spiritual growth, just as it is connected to growth in the natural world! What a fine example of the cycle of life in action, to see this first hand one needs only to look at a river and its surroundings.
House by the River: In my own language "Tsa-a-kwat" and it translates to "The House by the River", and it is my families house name. Our greatest gift is and always has been fresh water! I am taught to believe that it is not only my right and privilege to have clean, clear drinking water. It is also a responsibility, in respecting water, by knowing the the importance of fresh drinking water. I know and respect the importance of drinking water sources. Following my teachings and take time to abstain from drinking water. Now I wish to share a modern way in respecting water. I do not live right by the river anymore but I address this by drinking the water most readily available to me that is tap water . I am not a consumer sold buy bottled water. The fresh sources of water we do have need to be kept clean in order to keep producing clean, clear drinking water. Nature demands purity.
Keep fresh water, Fresh! |
The Wolves Clan and Rivers: Nature is nurtured by water. Coming from the house by the river, and the wolf clan. I know that life flourishes around rivers. Trees, plants, weeds, berry bushes, grow and create a home for crawlers, six legged, eight legged, rodents, even giant ungulates to feast on the riches surrounding the river. Right atop the food chain are the predators Wolves, Cougars and Bears and we know that those are key species in our environment. Where wolves thrive, nature thrives as well, and it is no coincidence that water is the one thing that attracts all life. Humans too are top of this food chain, lets take it upon ourselves to only produce waste that nature can recycle. Keep our waters clean. For it is the water cycle that surrounds us all no mater where we live we are surrounded by water. Based on my ancient teachings it is the wolves that transform into orca and that shows the connection that our west coast rivers, peoples, and wolves all have to the ocean.
Water Bomber Sits Idle in a smoke filled sky! |
People of the Mountains: In my own language we are "Nuu-chah-nulth-aht" We live right on the edge, we truly are people of the mountains facing the ocean. We reside on the most western points of Vancouver Island, and our mountains may not be massive but they are home to the temperate rain forests that bless our region. One thing I find out of character presently is the unusual hot and dry weather, this worries me most as it is Wild Fire season, and our govt has already over spent on that budget. Recently we had a Wildfire on Dog Mountain and it was enormous and spreading fast. Our Govt finally acknowledged that it was not so bright to let our Flag Ship of Wildfires sit Idle, and renewed the contract to put the Water Bomber into action for 30 days. I get that, govt takes time on anything, what I do not get is giving away water when it is times such as this , that we recognize its importance beyond the numeration value. BC Govt, Water should not be for sale when it's true value shines in this season. It is our greatest natural resource and a natural defence against Fire!
Facing the Ocean: Not only are we the people of the mountains, but we are people of the people of the mountains facing the ocean, Nuu-chah-nulth-aht. As stated earlier, my peoples are from the wolf clan, and water transforms. It is in water that wolf turns into sea wolf (Orca) the great protector of the ocean. We too must take our part, the power of one is Self control, we only have control over our own actions. Lets work together and save the oceans from pollution of water bottles. Be a sea wolf, be an orca and be a protector of our Ocean.
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Wish loves his water!! |
Boycot Nestle: Nestle Waters Canada pays the province just $2.25 for every million litres of water. The total estimated price of all the water Nestle will bottle in B.C. over an entire year is, wait for it, a grand total of $562 a year. Divide the sum of 562 dollars per year by the minimal fee of $2.25 for per million litres of water and you get a ridiculous amount of water, 249.77 million litres, sold for just $562. I know People that pay more water tax annually that the amount that Nestle will pay so it can turn around and make a profit. At times i do not know what I can do Vs a Corporation I do however know one thing for certain, I will not purchase any products of Nestle Waters!
Save our oceans from pollution of water bottles!!
We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one. ~ Jacques Yves Couseau.
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