More commonly known as Sasquatch, Yeti, or even Big Foot. Is own far and wide, but rarely seen. One of the most powerful things we Nučaan̓ułʔatḥ “People of the mountains Facing the Ocean” on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, believe in is something we call č̓iḥaamis (Chi-haa-miss), A Sacred Spirit power. A power that derives from C̓ac̓uqḥta the sasquatch and the spirit walker.
This is Kle-sue and this is her story, it is
her quest to Capture the Spirit Of Sasquatch. She often thought it silly at
first. Often wondering, Can I really capture a Sasquatch? Or maybe you’re
wondering why she would ask herself such a question at all!. It all began with a
dream. A dream her father had of her before she was even born. A story she
thought, just a story, turns out to be something more, something much more.
His dream was for his daughter to capture a sasquatch. He would often repeat this dream of his while Kle-sue was growing. Reminding her he wanted her traditional name to be after sasquatch. In his dream she captured a sasquatch, the first person to capture one. Kle-sue is very much different than her father she liked the idea of Capturing The Spirit Of Sasquatch, as opposed to a capture itself. She embracing the idea for it is the life a C̓ac̓uqḥta that intrigues her. They leave behind only a beautiful footprint, no waste no structures to her the spirit of sasquatch is freedom and a deep connection to the lands we live and depend on.
In many
cultures through ought the world dreams
are a powerful thing, We the Nučaan̓uł believe that our dream state is
considerably more elevated than our natural physical state. Called p̓uwic̓a (poo-wit-
tsa) and translates to “seeing pictures or glimpses of the spirit world”. The
Nučaan̓ułʔatḥ have long been connected to messages, stories, and even songs
that are gifts of the spirit world, gifts given in dream state. All dreams are
held in high regard but none more so that dreams during pregnancy.
speaking, it is in the womb where we have our most spiritual strength. For that
is the first journey, A journey taken to become a part of the natural world. The
Nučaan̓ułʔatḥ word for Pregnancy is łiciit (lthit-seat), and is closely linked to our word
for spirit which is łimaqsti (lthi-mak-ste). Pregnancy is a gift of life, and one of the
strengths of spirit is continuous growth. Dreams born of the spirit, are true glimpses
into the spirit world, and desires of the heart before the development of
natural limits.
Realizing it is much more than a dream, Kle-sue decides to chase her dream. Like any quest it begins with learning. Learning about the habitat, hunting or foraging grounds, fresh water, and just about anywhere one may think to find such a being . C̓ac̓uqḥta is not found easily, hides so well, that he is seemingly unseen. She decides to catch one is to be like one, think like one, and yes even live like one. That is her secret in Capturing The Spirit of Sasquatch!
C̓ac̓uqḥta Is so in tune with nature he is seemingly super natural, and has the ability to appear and reappear in places that symbolize harmony. Has the ability to completely blend in an natural environment. The west coast is full of temperate rain forests and the rivers, forests and proximity to the ocean provides prime foraging spots all along the west coast. British Columbia the fore most western province in Canada, as well as the western states Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California provide some of the best terrain for C̓ac̓uqḥta to thrive.
Is so in tune with nature he is seemingly super natural, and has the ability to
appear and reappear in places that symbolize harmony. Has the ability to
completely blend in an natural environment. The west coast is full of temperate
rain forests and the rivers, forests and proximity to the ocean provides prime
foraging spots all along the west coast. British Columbia the fore most western
province in Canada, as well as the western states Alaska, Washington, Oregon,
and California provide some of the best terrain for C̓ac̓uqḥta to thrive.
is on her quest of life she wonders if she has forgotten where she is from?
Having been to so many different places, and spending so much time away from
home. Does she even know who she is anymore. Will she ever really know who she
is. It was in Clear Water Washington State when she first heard the screams,
and Clear Water when she was brought back to her story. Her story carried by
the sasquatch scream brings her back in time through her memories.
Little does she know that she has been taught Che-ha-miss.
One way into the spirit world is by mastering the scream. Hearing one teaches
the first steps in spirit walking. Bringing them back where they are most
comfortable with, and that is memories. When Kle-sue heard the scream of
C̓ac̓uqḥta she was fortunate enough to have had her sister Kles-ik with her.
The challenge they now have is to learn to that scream! Spirit Walk to learn to
scream like a C̓ac̓uqḥta. “To Capture The Spirit Of Sasquatch” you must learn
the scream and find and share your true inner spirit. Not many are blessed with the
path so clear to “Spirit Walk” it is up to us as it has always been, to be in
tune to nature, be in tune with yourself for that is the true path to "Capturing The Spirit Of Sasquatch!!
By: Wish-key
Rob Dennis Jr