N̓aasiismisʔuksup: Stella Peters |
Story by: wišqii Rob Dennis Jr, Dedicated to N̓aasiismisʔuksup Stella Peters, A ḥakuum woman of royalty
also a friend, a sister, a mentor, an inspiration and a woman warrior fiercely intent
on defending our right to not only survive, but to thrive in a world full of
beauty, bounty, life and Love for generations to come. She is “Carries day on
the beach woman” she sees and cares for all that the sunlight touches. Knowing
full well our rights are also responsibilities if we take from our world, we
must also give back to our world!
Also Please Sign the petition!
weʔin, našuk wiiqḥsi hinaayiłʔi.
neeʔii čiƛ weʔin neeʔii čiƛ t̓ic̓qaaʕaƛma weʔin. nac̓aačiƛ weʕin, nac̓aačiƛ
ƛiiƛiiḥa. wik̓iit tuḥuk weʔin, wik̓iit tuḥuk wiiqḥsiʔi. hamuupšiƛ, weʔin
hamuupšiƛ nananiqsu. ʕumac̓uk weʔin nananiqsu, hupiist̓ałʔaała, ʔiisaakst̓ałʔaała,
ḥaḥuupst̓alʔaala, ʔuuʔaalukst̓ałʔaała.
storm, It is said, a strong storm in the horizon. hear it, it is said, hear the
thunder. See it, it is said see the lightning. Fear not it is said, fear not,
the storm. Remember it is said, remember the grandparents. It is said the
grandparents say always help each other, always respect each other, always
teach each other, always take care of each other.
The storm is the thunderous rumble of the
ancestors and the lightning is the talking stick striking the ground, proclaiming, hear me now. During a big storm in ancient times it would bring together the whole house hold. Everyone sat in their place and listened to the
storm. Listened for the lightning strikes.They come from the horizon they are the echo of the ancestral teachings.
The horizon the place of no time. Past, present and future are one and the

Imagine if you will a fire lit long house,
filled with people and a little smoke to. all you can hear is silence and the
crackling fire, gusts of stormy winds enter once in awhile you feel the air in
the room moving all around. Best of all is the growing sent of salmon cooking
on the fire. Finally the speaker has spoken by order of the chief were all to
listen to the storm, and over dinner we will hear from a storm watcher,
storm watchers are visionaries they are
those that are closest to the earth and all the wonders of nature. They study
everything, from ancient remains to present ecological systems and the life cycles with understanding that
everything is indeed one and connected. Hišukʔiš c̓awaak!
In the
long house the people feast quietly, for their being nourished completely. The
food nourishes the body, the storm watchers lesson nourishes the mind, the
feast song nourishes the spirit and the family sitting in unity nourishes the
emotional well being. This is the balance to the raging storm of mother nature.
For our greatest strength is when the family stands in unity like the wolf our pack is stronger together.
Storm watcher speaks, the message was loud and clear for she had a vision, she heard the message in the storm rolling in. As thought the
ancestors came from tomorrow, for the Horizon is the place of all time Past,
Present and Future. She said beware the black cloud, not a cloud in the sky, but a cloud that is everywhere. She then explains it is
not natural storm. Said to be something different, this black cloud will not go
away, it will stick to the water, beach and anyone or anything that comes into
contact with it.
The wise ones speculate, what could this black
cloud be? possibly an oil spill of some kind, or a never ending storm, the
discussion continues back and forth, storm watcher says it may be the cloud of
guilt. We must do right by our ancestral teachings. she reminds us of
everything, everything our ancestors said that we should value. The lands we
live on, the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, the
nourishing sunlight, the lunar cycle, all the living creatures, our families,
our neighbors, Unity, and most
importantly the future generations.
našuk: “The power of one” is in one’s own actions, self control. I nor anyone
else can tell you what to do, Only you can decide your own actions. If and when you get a chance to use your
voice, use YOUR voice think of the big picture, think of tomorrow think of the
world and love all that we are connected to…
ḥišukʔiš c̓awaak Everything is one and connected. |
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